Understanding BS4142: A Guide to Industrial and Commercial Sound Assessment

The BS4142 standard is a crucial tool for assessing and managing industrial and commercial sound in the United Kingdom. This guide provides an overview of its importance, procedures, purpose, target audience, and recent updates to help professionals and stakeholders understand its application.

Importance of Using BS4142

Implementing the BS4142 standard is essential for effective noise assessment and management. It offers a systematic approach to evaluating sound levels and determining their potential impact on nearby noise sensitive receptors. The standard helps to:

  • Mitigate Noise Complaints: By assessing sound levels methodically, organisations can identify and address potential noise issues before they escalate.
  • Ensure Compliance: BS4142 helps businesses adhere to regulatory requirements, including Environment Agency requirements, minimising legal and financial risks.
  • Promote Community Relations: By proactively managing noise, organisations can maintain positive relationships with local residents and stakeholders, including residential properties and planning officials.
  • Support Sustainable Development: Effective noise control contributes to creating a balanced environment that accommodates both industrial activity and residential needs.

Noise Assessment Procedures

The BS4142 standard outlines specific procedures for measuring and assessing noise levels to evaluate their potential to cause disturbance. Key steps include:

  1. Identifying the Sound Source: Determine the industrial or commercial activity generating the sound, including mechanical plant and noise emitted by machines and equipment.
  2. Measuring Ambient Noise Levels: Record background noise levels (LA90) without the specific sound source operating.
  3. Rating the Specific Sound: Measure the sound levels of the industrial or commercial source and assess characteristics such as tone, impulsivity, intrusive noise characteristics, and intermittency.
  4. Comparing Sound Levels: Compare the rated sound level with the background noise level to determine the likelihood of adverse impact.
  5. Assessing the Impact: Use the results to classify the sound’s potential impact as low impact, adverse impact or significant adverse impact.

The standard provides detailed guidance on equipment, measurement techniques, and adjustments for acoustic characteristics, such as tones and impulsive sounds, to ensure accurate assessments.

Purpose of BS4142

The primary purpose of BS4142 is to provide methods for rating and assessing sound from industrial and commercial sources to:

  • Determine Potential Impact: Evaluate whether noise from a specific source is likely to cause complaints or discomfort to people in the surrounding area, including residential premises.
  • Guide Noise Mitigation: Offer insights into noise reduction strategies to minimise adverse effects from noise making activities.
  • Support Planning Decisions: Aid local planning authorities, planning departments, and design engineers in making informed decisions about industrial and commercial developments in line with UK planning guidance.

This standard is widely recognised as a benchmark for addressing environmental noise concerns in the UK.

Target Audience for BS4142

The BS4142 standard is intended for a diverse range of professionals and organisations, including:

  • Acoustics and Noise Consultants: Specialists who assess and provide solutions for noise-related issues.
  • Environmental Health Officers: Local authority officials responsible for addressing noise complaints and ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Industrial and Commercial Operators: Businesses seeking to minimise noise impact from their operations, including commercial noise sources.
  • Urban Planners: Professionals involved in land use and development planning to ensure compatibility between industrial activities and residential properties.
  • Legal Advisors: Experts providing guidance on compliance and dispute resolution related to noise issues.

Updates in BS4142

The BS4142 standard undergoes periodic updates to reflect advancements in acoustic science and changing societal needs. Key changes in the latest version, BS4142:2014+A1:2019, include:

  • Enhanced Definitions: Improved clarity on terms and methodologies to ensure consistent application, including technical changes.
  • Updated Measurement Techniques: Inclusion of modern equipment and methods for more precise noise assessments, including outdoor sound levels.
  • Focus on Acoustic Characteristics: Greater emphasis on factors such as highly tonal and impulsive noise in evaluating noise impact.
  • Integration with Other Standards: Alignment with related standards and regulations, such as British Standard frameworks, to provide a comprehensive framework for noise management.

Staying informed about these updates ensures that assessments remain relevant and effective.


BS4142 is an invaluable resource for managing industrial and commercial sound, helping to balance economic activities with community well-being. By understanding its importance, procedures, purpose, target audience, and updates, professionals can effectively address noise-related challenges and foster harmonious environments. It also guides noise surveys and BS4142 assessments, ensuring compatibility between industrial noise and residential environments, while addressing effects of sound and minimising adverse impacts.

sound level meter measurements